Puerto Rico Fiscal Agency and Financial Advisory Authority (FAFAA)

Services provided

Assist FAFAA in its endeavor to integrate and consolidate government agencies to reduce its operating expenses to attain agency efficiency measures.  Performed grants’ analysis and reviewed over 300 documents and public laws.

Continued support in all FAAFAs programmatic and fiscal related areas as well as strategic advisory related to FAAFA oversight responsibilities and compliance.

We developed and execute a completed monitoring process of subrecipients of funds received from the State Council on Developmental Disabilities (CEDD) to ensure that all sub awards closeout requirements comply with the award’s closeout requirements in 45 CFR 75.381.

Currently working with all matters pertaining to the Covid 19 and ARPA funding, including development of a monitoring plan, training, all aspects of the pre-award phase for funding to be distributed to not-for-profit organizations, and related reporting.

Grants Management Technical Assistance including Design of the Subrecipient Monitoring Program and Plan and Implementation of the Program


•Grants analysis contributed to contributed incisive information and data on federal funding requirements from each of the agencies being analyzed.

•Successful completion of subrecipients monitoring program.

•Management of $4.7 billion in funds related to Covid-19 and ARPA funding.